Originally Posted By: Wilson
Originally Posted By: Imamobguy
Because you wear a Suit it doesnt make you a Gangster. Drug Runner's arent Gangsters, The Movie's portrayed Gangsters in Suits because they had alot of money. Gangsters work for Organization's, Drug Runners are wild.

Wearing a suit is just as much psychological as it is a status statement. If you dress the part, you more than likely will have more confidence. Just like in any profession this will lead to you doing a better job most of the time.

Say you want to be taken seriously? What kind of outfit will gain you more respect? A stylish suit or a pair of oversized baggy jeans that are falling off your ass and a dirty t-shirt?

Wear the suit proudly I say.

P.S. Don't forget to shave and put on your deodorant either.

Although ill agree that street gang members like to wear baggy clothes. I don't think they are wearing dirty t shirts and jeans evrywhere they go, in fact they seem to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Also do you think that mobsters are wearing suits every day.
heres a picture of gaeton lucibello a philly mobster wearing a baggy sean john track suit which is p.diddys clothing brand.