If my comment, which was completely in gest, and meant only light-hearted, offended him, then I guess I apologize. I tend to forget that not everyone has my sense of humor, or ANY sense of humor for that matter.

That being said, being on a mafia based forum, I'd think most would have a thicker skin, due to the nature alone of the content of the forum, but I guess not.
If I told you the truck load of PM's I've gotten over the years, as well as the public posts...asking if I'm a man, asking to see my boobs, calling me a lonely fat [BadWord] of a woman, blah blah blah, telling me to go suck a dick, blah blah blah, your heads would spin. And just like that damn energizer bunny, I'm still here and going and going. And most of the time, I appreciate a good joking around, even when I'm at the brunt of it. It's all good. If guys get out of line, though,I handle myself like I always have, no mods, no nothing... just me.

To me, it was just some good natured ribbing done in this thread with no offense meant. At least not from me.

Last edited by carmela; 08/30/12 04:25 PM.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.