Originally Posted By: Joerusso
all youse on here know im 100 percent boston born and raised now the partraica isnt the strongest or biggest and yea deluca rossetti ratted chilles lato bonagflia monacchio from prov ri all locked dinunzio's bufalino angelsco all locked up in boston right but they still active at least 50 at least thats a fact at least 50 they still got the politicions unions involved in fortune 500 scams and all the regular bread n butter of things gambling loan sharks extortion stip clubs etc so they took a huge blow big one but they took bigger and everyone coming home in less than 8 years anglesco the cheese dinunzio and limone is home or free in 3 years and less all three thats boss underboss and wild billy violent soldier and good earner the r.i. crew be home in 4 years or less cause they all got time served soo thats a family with a small dent in the hood and most of the old timers are all active and low key real low key

At least 50 made members on the street active? I dont believe it. Please list at least 35 made guys that are active and out on the street for the Patriarca's.

What kind of fortune 500 scams? You mean stuff like pump and dump?

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 08/28/12 09:28 PM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.