Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

We've touched on it a thousand times here: Once the damage is done, there's zero upside in killing a high-profile informant. The "setting an example" argument doesn't really hold water anymore, because it seems no one wants to be the one to set it.

True. But is there really not an upside?

I mean if this rat bastard (I'm no fanboy, but like PB this rat really annoys the shit out of me) gets to live the live out in the open in Miami, what message do you send to your Family?

But if he is found tortured to death with a 20 dollar bill stuffed in his mouth, now that just might send a message.

And besides that, the Persico's never really went for the sane, sensible thing to do, right? They are some vindictive bastards. So upside or not, Allie Boy's fingers must be itching.