Murder of Terracina, a fugitiveis constituted and reveals, "Marino executed because unreliable

Latina August 26, 2012 - This is handed over to the police after learning of the death of Gaetano Marino, who was killed by two killer with ten shots last Thursday on the seafront of Terracina. Gianluca Giugliano said ' Pigeon 'has been arrested in Secondigliano for don't make the same end of' McKay '. The 31 year old, considered the gunner of the secessionists, it seemed just a river in flood. According to initial statements reported that the young 'stump' - the nickname Gaetano Marino - had been cornered and square dealing entrusted to another person, such a Roberto M. For this reason the man was killed by Vanella Grassi.

The murder of Marino would have been decided in a meeting that was held at Case Celesti , expansion area for those in power to Vanella Grassi from where it would leave the car with the killer who gunned down 'the stump'. To Marino, in fact, as reported by Giugliano, was taken from the square in dealing for a couple reasons: first, due to a substantial shortfall of money from the coffers of the Case Celesti and the other due to the fact that man have used cocaine showing the clan some "unreliable". Hence the decision, after the ouster full-blown 'McKay' from the square of the store, to kill him .

As reported by Giugliano, the murder of Marino is a strong message to the clan and demonstrate the conquest of the Case Celesti by Magnetti-Petriccione clan and the other a revival of the Di Lauro as 'McKay' was the number one enemy of the historical clan and the killing the Vanella Grassi would somehow paved the way for their eventual return.