Originally Posted By: danielperrygin

Did they allow rapist to be the boss in the old country?

I don't know, never heard of any rapist bosses in Italy. However, they had a strange view on rape - there were cases in which if a rapist married the victim the matter was considered settled (what a sick logic). In the 60s there was a case when Filippo Melodia, a relative of the Alcamo boss Vincenzo Rimi, committed a rape and the victim refused to marry him, her reaction was considered to be the first case regarding mafia families in which the victim has found the courage to oppose herself to the idea of settling the matter by marrying the rapist (at least the sources I read state so).

Last edited by Dwalin2011; 08/25/12 08:24 AM.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."