Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Originally Posted By: GaryH
To be fair on Joe Gallo, it was Profaci's arrogant tight fisted ways that made him rebel!
Joey wasnt the sort of guy to simply sit back and be pushed about and shit on!

Exactly. And to relate to another thread that is going on right now, Profaci was a man who had kept his values from the old country. The Gallos mindset was all about money. A clash that is a prime example of how the US Mafia lost its values of honor and respect during an era when making money became the most honorable thing.

But if Profaci promised money to the Gallos and didn't keep his promise, how can he be regarded as somebody with old-fashioned values? I think one of the rules of the old mafia was that made members don't lie to each other. Profaci lied to the Gallos about the reward, so he asked for it.

How sure are we that Profaci promised them anything? It´s not like "you are now in the Mafia, go grab your bag with 100 000 dollars standing overthere".

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