I was reading a very insteresting article on Georgy Anastasia's website about 2 african american "drug kingpins" named Ace Capone and Tim Gotti obvisiouly this is not their real names. This may have been discussed before but I can't find it in the search, basically what i want to know and what i want people too explain to me is why do black gang members always take italian gangsters names when in turn people like Gotti and Capone ESPECIALLY GOTTI that i know of due to wiretaps with him saying, dont wanna offend anyone but "ni**er this, ni**er that, coon this, coon that" why would a black person immulate someone who is very much a racist? Its like me calling myself Nicholas " Little Al Sharpton" Leone its fuckin retarded and i would be a retard to call my self that..... Anyone care to explain?

"According to my best recollection,I don't remember."
- Vincent "Jimmy Blue Eyes" Alo