Thanks for replying, TIS! smile

I really wish I would've seen "To Serve Man." my dad actually told me about it after he saw it, but I missed it because I was watching a baseball game. After he explained it, I recognized it, so I think I've seen it before, but just him telling it to me spooked me...about what kind of book it was... eek grin

I saw this really cute one about a man and his dog who drowned, and on their journey to get to heaven, the man is almost tempted into going to the "wrong" was still sort of spooky, but it was almost sweet, too.

Judging from what you've said, it sounds like I might have missed some good ones. I just have certain "classic" episodes that I like to see every year (the "monster" on the plane that the man sees through the window is a personal favorite), and I guess I caught some new ones, for once. I, also, watched on and off somewhat, but it was still a very fun marathon. My family has some VHS tapes we must have taped during one of these marathons of TZ, so I might check that out and see which ones are on there.

I love Rod Serling's appearance, voice, and personality on the show! He's just so "cool." On the Gangster BB South Park thread, I posted a doll I made to look like him... lol

Edit: After reading over your post again, I realized which episode you were talking about with Elizabeth Montgomery! I didn't see it this time, but I remember it, definitely. When I first saw it, I was so surprised to see "Samantha" the Bewitched witch in it... lol