Well, another episode aired last night.

This time, it was given to us in one installment instead of being broken into two parts. And, frankly, this was a good thing. IMO, there wasn't nearly as much drama this time around as with the first hotel and those two (ugh!) owners.

But - or, maybe that should be "butt" - for the second time in two hotels, Our Hero went nude. Yep, another shot of a stripped-down Gordon Ramsay and his blurred-out keester stepping into a shower.

So, what's with this guy? Or is it his producers? Do they have some sort of mind-set that if the audience doesn't see him stripping off and then showering/bathing, that we will automatically assume he never bathes while on assignment? Or it it just a cheap ploy to try and get ratings? Ramsay is never at a loss for words in his other shows, or in interviews - so why couldn't he have said, "No fucking way!" to the shower scenes? It's puzzling, because in interviews, he's said that he regrets doing the nude scenes. So, who held a gun to his head? Maybe we should call him "The Naked Chef", but I understand Jamie Oliver already owns that title...

Sorry folks, but the sight of Gordon in the altogether is just not enough inducement (on its own, at least) to make me watch any TV show these days.

Like Geoff, I confess to liking Ramsay's shows. Sometimes, they're quite entertaining and enlightening, other times it's like watching a road accident. But, I am hooked. Honestly, though, I wonder if "Hotel Hell" will last more than one season.

If you have not yet seen last night's installment, you might want to avoid what's next.

Click to reveal..
The hotel in upstate New York that Gordon visited seemed like it had the potential to be nice enough, and once things were fixed up, a place I wouldn't mind staying at. It was very sad, then to read at the end that the place shut its doors in June. The title card flew by way too fast for me to read everything, but I think it said that they (the owners) owed too much money and the bank foreclosed. At least, I think that's what it said; they didn't leave the info up on the screen long enough to take in all the details. A real shame, because you could tell that the staff really cared, and your heart really went out to that young fellow Scooter in the kitchen.

Signor V.

"For me, there's only my wife..."

"Sure I cook with wine - sometimes I even add it to the food!"

"When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies?"

"It was a grass harp... And we listened."

"Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? Every, every minute?"

"No. Saints and poets, maybe... they do some."