Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles

Absolutely not true! As I said earlier, Luciano was NOT a boss of bosses. Not even technically speaking. He did not held sway over the other bosses in any way. I´m amazed over how so many people seems to think that. I have explained, perhaps in an inept way, how the legend and the myth of Luciano being some kind of a superboss got started. Get it out of your system guys. Luciano was (as you say) "first among equals" but nothing else above that. Why is this so hard to comprehend?

If I´m wrong then prove me wrong. But don´t copy and paste articles found on Wiki, or any articles written by Joe Schmuck posting on forums on the internet!

Lol ok if you say so. I don't think I have any proof, probably mostly circumstantial and personal opinion. You probably agree he was the most powerful and feared? That alone would give him a leg up over the others. For example, I doubt someone like Profaci could organize syndicate meetings from Havana, Cuba. As far as his influence over Mangano, I think Luciano used Adonis in some mysterious way. Anastasia was Adonis' lapdog for many years prior to becoming boss.