Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
[b]Put the nail polish down and slowly back away
lol I'm not some crazy nut with a nail polish obsession... a lot of women have even more nail polish than I do.

Originally posted by DonMichaelCorleone:
I personally do not like makeup ON WOMEN ( lol ) I prefer in terms of nails maybe that thing where there is a white bar across the end of the finger tip and then on face maybe some eye lash stuff but besides that I think it should be all natural.
You like it when it's not on women? confused lol
The nails thing you're saying is a French manicure, and the eyelash stuff is mascara. For future reference. wink
I like the natural look too, but I say "natural look" because most of the time, it's not just mascara. Usually they (we) are still wearing makeup, but they're natural colors.

And usually, especially in magazines or movies (but also in real life) what looks natural usually takes more work than the more obvious makeup with darker colors. Not that you'll read this far anyway. lol [/b]
No I did read the whole thing tongue My fiance only wears mascara (word of the day) and lip gloss that's it.

What I find funny is women will wear 100 pounds of makeup and then when joe schmoe gets grey hair and dies it black they make a big stink over it. lol

"You gave your word, I never gave mine"