Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
watched "they live" again today. i loved this movie as a kid and i still love it today so it has stood the test of time in my book!

I stopped as soon as I seen this right here, this is a great film by John Carpenter... It is truly a movie that in my opinion is a formality for the so called Global Elites(Illuminati or what ever you wanna call it) "They Live", they exist, they look like me and you you might even see em every day, but you wouldnt know it by looking at them that-that person could be one of the Global Elites a multi-Billionaire who sits on these committies who make the world go round, but I wont get any deeper into this...

I have a list of fav movies, most recently it would have to be "Inception" great film Chris Nolan did an excellent job of delving into this concept of the movie, great acting all around truly...

As for TV shows Im big into Boardwalk Empire and Falling Skies and Jeopardy(LMFAO) but i do like to learn things... Im more of a reader than a TV/Movie guy in the last few years tho..