Originally Posted By: Toodoped
First Vincent Mangano was secretly controlled by Luciano,his whole Mangano family was controled by Luciano and Mangano knew this and he had to keep quiet anyway,second...you wanna say that when Gambino was on the commision table his vote was counted the same as others?!?!?!? rolleyes...plus Bonanno in his book told lies about Luciano,doesnt that tell you something?!even on the Bonanno interview his a little bit critical at Luciano

Luciano controled the Mangano Family? First time I´m hearing that.
How many votes did Gambino have? 10?
Have you read the Bonanno book? Where do you find the lies on Lucky? I would like you to ellaborate on that.
A little bit of critical on Luciano? I missed that as well. I think the only thing he says about Luciano is his "he loved to make money"

Have you read the Bonanno book? Bonanno describes Lucky with great respect. So what are you talking about?

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