Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli

First off, I saw the initial two episodes and think it might be a little early to pass judgement on the whole series after watching only two shows. I noticed that they made sure to have Gordon in the inn's kitchen. That was good. However, I really wonder if that hotel will really succeed. The two owners were initially such assholes that I found myself not giving a damn if the hotel went under - but only hoped for a positive outcome because I felt a lot of sympathy for the staff.

But, those two owners? Loathed them. If the younger one could really change and they could keep his older boyfriend ("I em zee boss!") chained up out back inside the RV, then maybe the place has a chance in the long run. I mean, the hotel itself was gorgeous. Not a fleabag rat-trap by any means. The type of place I wouldn't mind staying at.

But, it showed that you really had to work hard to be disliked so strongly by so many of the locals. An interesting part for me was when Gordon went to visit the previous chef, who was loved and respected by the staff. When she said that there was no way that she would come back, even for a visit (and why), that said a lot.

I felt the same way. Not paying the employees for weeks at a time oh my I don't know if I would've stuck it out. Plus the black haired boss was stealing the tips from his workers what a sleaze ball. I would like for Gordan to go back to the hotel to do an update and see how they are doing.

Dylan Matthew Moran born 10/30/12