Originally posted by Irishman12:
Originally posted by Debz:
[b] Hello, I am sitting in my accounting class and I really can't feel bothered!! But I better get some work done now! Lol frown I am annoyed because my computer died on me last night eek so its away getting fixed mad hope its not a virus because we have all our photographs from family meetings and holidays saved on the hard drive, we should have got round to uploading them onto disks sooner!! ohwell
I was wondering where you've been debz. Hope there's nothing wrong with it. I've been feeling kinda sh*tty the past 2 days at work, dealing with all the crap that goes on here. There was 1 thing yesterday and now today my boss is paying me for 53 hours of work instead of 56. So now on every paycheck, the way he configures when I punch in & out, I'll only be getting 75 hours on a paycheck instead of the usual 80 mad [/b]
Hey - My Computer is home grin - but its going to have to go back again sometime because its still not behaving itself!! Irish thats so annoyin when your pay gets messed up I hate that happening mad When I tell my boss he has made a mistake I always think they are thinking I am lying!! Anyways hope you got it all sorted out smile
