Originally Posted By: m2w
boss: totò riina
underboss: carlo gambino
consigliere: bernardo provenzano


tony accardo
matteo messina denaro
salvatore maranzano
lucky luciano
tommy lucchese
frank costello
michele greco
ciccio madonia
nitto santapaola
joe profaci

killers: pino greco, roy de meo, albert anastasia

Knowing Toto' Riina's mentality, he and the other Sicilian bosses would probably try to kill the American bosses you listed, because they are too charismatic and wouldn't obey him.
Who would have won? confused

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."