Originally Posted By: southphilly old head
it looks like the judge isnt gona give anything to the defendants, i mean a sequestered jury thats absurd. They all better look to plea out in this case.

Sequestered juries are pretty much par for the course when a boss is being tried. It really comes as no surprise. And I agree, they should all plea out.

I don't follow Philly all that closely, but when mob watchers write online that it's a "weak case," I honestly think that that's what they want to believe. From what I've read, they have these guys dead to rights. If the tapes are in, they're all guilty.

If Ligambi goes to trial, it's only because he's an old man and he feels like he'll die in jail either way. Besides, he's playing with house money anyway. He never should have gotten out the last time.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.