Originally Posted By: Giordano
Hey Sonny,

I am not 100% sure if Calogero is Liberio's son or grandson but if you look at the book Mafia inc. and at the Rizzuto/Manno lineage at the beginning as well as pages 53-57 I think you can infer he is one of the 2. I was guessing he was Liberio's son from the age stated when he got arrested but looking back again its more likely it's his grandson as they all seem to start procreating pretty early.

Their family tree makes me dizzy and without a chart it's tough to write out but using the rule the Rizzuto/Manno/Renda family name their children after their parents and extrapolating down the Lineage of both Nick Sr and his half brother Liberio, I think it works out so that Liberio has a grandson named Calogero Miloto the same as Nick Sr. has a grandson Calogero Renda.

I could be wrong but I think one can say with a degree of confidence that Calogera Miloto is a blood relative of Nick Rizzuto Sr.

Paul Cherry of the Montreal Gazette had reported back on December 21, 2011, that the accused Calogero Milioto was an associate of the Rizzuto clan -- see


Cherry either knows this as a fact or he did not dig deep enough to determine whether Milioto was closely related to a Rizzuto clan member -- if Cherry had discovered the latter, this detail alone would have perhaps made clearer, for all of us watching the Montreal situation, whose side Di Maulo and Desjardins were/are on. (But, then again, think of the possible betrayal by Rizzuto clan member Domenico Arcuri Jr.) Milioto and his fellow accused Pietro Magistrale were identified in a December 2011 Journal de Montréal article as bodyguards for Desjardins.

For one to determine how Calogero Milioto may be related, if at all, to Nick Rizzuto Sr., you would have to know whether Calogero is the first-born male in his family, whether he has a brother who is the first-born male, what his father's name is, what his paternal grandfather's name is, and what his maternal grandfather's name is.

Nick Sr.'s grandson Calogero Renda (Paolo Renda's son) is named after Paolo Renda's father, Calogero Renda. Assuming Calogero Milioto is related to Liborio Milioto, Calogero's being named Calogero has no connection to Paolo Renda's son being given the first name Calogero. Liborio and Nick Sr. did not have the same father, and any relationship Liborio has to Calogero Milioto is very likely not a father-son relationship. We know that Liborio has a daughter named Maria who turned 64 this year and that he had three children. Any first-born male would almost certainly have been named Francesco since this is the name of Liborio's father. A second male child would have been named after the father of Liborio's wife -- if this grandfather was named Calogero, then the Calogero Milioto we are discussing would probably not be a blood relative of Nick Sr.

Bear in mind, as well, that Liborio Milioto chose a different path in life than Nick Sr. Perhaps I'm reading too much into the fact that Liborio's daughter married Filippo Rizzuto, the brother of deceased Senator Pietro Rizzuto, but I think that Liborio and his wife raised their children not to be like Nick Sr. and the rest of the clan.