
Here is my summary of the article in English:

Headline: "Mafia mixed up in murders"

Many veteran Montreal mafiosi have been killed one by one in the last little while. This is a pre-curser that Vito Rizzuto is preparing his return to Montreal.

These assassinations have recently claimed the lived of two, maybe three, important actors in Montreal's street gangs. The leader of the "Bo Gars" (petty boys) group and leader of the "Bloods" Chenier Dupuy was part of that group. Lamartine Severe Paul was also assassinated. These killings weren't only an internal struggle for power, but were also linked to Montreal's mafia.

"I think it's a sign of a rise of violence that's to come from the mafia in Montreal in the coming months" explains Antonio Nicaso.

Also, "we can expect that the rise in violence is due to the return of Vito Rizzuto to Canada."

Dupuy and Severe weren't only close to each other, they had ties to the mafia in Montreal.

Maria Mourani, author and gang specialist in Montreal, shares Nicaso's opinion "Vito Rizzuto will soon return to Canada. They have to prepare their territory. But she goes further to day that it's very likely that these men were targeted due to their links to Rizzuto.

"They belong to a 'clic' of sorts, the clic of Joseph Ducarme. These men are enforcers for the Montreal mafia. The members of the this clic were under the orders of Tony Magi, a businessman with links to organized crime. Dupuy and Severe carried out orders from him in the name of the mafia.

This is the reason they were killed." This is Mourani's explanation, but she doesn't discredit other theories are out there as well.

Mourani also estimates that those who were close to Dupuy and Severe will be targeted very soon as well. "The members of the Joseph Ducarme clic seem targeted these days. The others risk being targeted as well. I will not be surprised that many of them walk around with more bodyguards.

Also, with respect to Giordano's comment "I would bet both Accuri and the Magi brothers end up in the obituary pages in the next little while." All I have to say is that would answer a lot, and I think you may be on to something if Nicaso and Mourani are right. Magi's been walking on a tight rope. How can a guy escape 2 attempts, have his wife escape an attempt, and still be alive to tell it?? Also, isn't going after his wife against LCN rules? That seems more like street gang to me. Any ideas?

Not just getting my stripes, something I can't talk about. Something that was ruining my whole life and he made it right. For what I owe him, I would follow that man into hell.