Everyone tied to Vito in recent years has been eliminated. Could this be another case of "if you're tied to him in any way, you're done." Vito may have sought protection from these guys once out. These 2 guys have been used by Vito and Magi in the past for protection and shakedowns and were also tied to Nick the Ritz.


My first post but I think the above is incorrect. Magi is supposed to be the one who hired the guys who shot Nick Rizzuto Jr and some of the vicitims this weekend are tied to both him and the men suspected of shooting rizzuto jr. This seems more likely to be Rizzuto vengance or Magi trying to clean up his connections to the Rizzuto Jr shooting before Vito's out.

The Rizzuto's have been taking revenge for a while now. Nick Sr's half Brother's son (Colagero Milioto) was charged in the murder of Montagna. The last guy seen with George Renda (an associate of Montagna) before his disapperance was a Cun-terra. Everybody else asscoiated with Montagna been taken care of with the exception of Domenico Accuri who is supposed to be in hiding. All of the hits in the last year or so have been coming against those who opposed the rizzuto's. I would bet both Accuri and the Magi brothers end up in the obituary pages in the next little while.

There are a lot of Rizzzuto blood realtives and loyal assoicates left in Montreal. From what I can gather they are once again the top in Montreal and likely to only get stronger in the next while as Vito and other top people in his organization get out of jail.

Last edited by Giordano; 08/13/12 03:24 PM.