When you hear about OC in France, the city which immediately comes to mind is Marseille. But Paris is a lot bigger, so there must also be a lot of organized crime going on. But there isn't much information about that. So far the things I've found are these :
The Hornec clan is said to be the most powerful OC gang in the capital. They are of Manush descent ( french gypsies, but these aren't the same gypsies as the more well known pickpocketting Roma community) and the bulk of their gang consists of other younger Manush people and also a lot of Algerians. They are very organized and the closest thing to a 'homegrown' ( excluding the Algerians) ''mafia'' in the French capital.
It is said that there are also some more or less organized and extraordinary brutal Tamil gangs active in Paris.
There are of course also some black African and French Antillean gangs active, mostly in the suburbs, but they are not very organized, not all that powerful and more involved in petty crime than in serious organized crime.
There may be some Corsican gangs active, but they are far more prevalent and noteworthy in the Cote D'Azur.

For the rest not much is known about OC in Paris. Who else has some information on what other ( organized ) gangs there are in Paris ?