i've heard that sometimes the temperature readings that are used by the people pushing global warming are sometimes therometers on airport runways and on top of buildings which are gonna be hotter. also, i think a few years ago there was some controversy about the icecaps melting when they used satelite photos during the warm season when the ice is gonna be noticeably less.

i'm not saying that man-made gasses don't contribute in some ways to environmental changes, but like was stated before the records only go back so far. the earth seems to go through temperature changes all the time so that could be partly to blame.

another thing that makes me question this global warming is the whole carbon tax issue. seems like it could be another convienient way to make money, pay this tax and global warming goes away but lets sell and trade our unused credits. something doesn't seem right about that. like i said i'm not sure about the whole issue but it helps to look at all possibilities.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!