The manager was cowardly, and I can see why. He could have also lost his job, or bought a protest down on restaurant if he had gotten into confrontation that went too far with them. If two years ago I was watching television, and a story of lesbians or gay males having rights violated in any establishment came on, I would have felt that they were victims, and place was discriminatory. If that had happened in my recent situation, and it made local paper, or tv news story, many would have felt same, and sided with customers. Gay groups are very organized. To fight discrimination that is good thing, to push people around is wrong. They have crossed over from having righteous cause to being bullies.

It was no this one incident that got to me, it is seeing something like this once a week. Classroom discussions taken over by someone with story of discrimination having nothing to do with course, and professors afraid to do anything for fear of being called homophobic, or racist in other instances. When I told some fellow student where I was from someone called me a a hick, and later heard a hillbilly joke, I laughed it off, thought I was making friends. Yet I now see that any thing said in any joking manner on gays, minorities, or certain religious groups are punishable offenses. There should be one standard for everyone.