Originally Posted By: J Geoff


Normally people from a small town go into the big city and learn about diversity. Maybe you're in a different NYC than I'm used to??

No, I'm in Rego Park Queens, nice area, a diverse area, and have not said I had problem with diversity. I work and go to school with many different people, have no problem due to race or sexual orientations, it is when they go overboard, or try to push it to point where they seem to want someone to challenge them. Example: I am waitress. Group of women come in, I get their table. They seem to be lesbians, and turn out to be that. Fine, but then they talk filthy every time I am serving table, ask me personal questions, and one, older than my mothers, starts flirting openly. I am straight, say I have boyfriend just to be left alone, she says obnoxious things anyway. I complain to manger. Useless. He is more afraid of them being offended, gives me diversity lecture. What did I do? As if i was in wrong for being offended? If group of men had hit on me, and it has happened, we are allowed to ask for someone else to take over out table if it goes too far. I asked, he said no, he became red in face, and seemed scared and angry art same time.

I am not against gay unions, even after the above experience, since not all are people of a group are same. Gay adoption I am against, all the way. Yet if I speak up, as I did in one class where we were asked to speak freely, professors get angry, and steer other students into going agaisnt you. I am in New York for over one year, and spent close to a year in Miami. I have seen that big city people are not all that they are cracked up to be as far as independent thought, diversity of opinion, and open mindedness. Small town I am from, and the surrounding areas, were more of those than New York.