Original geschrieben von: pizzaboy
Original geschrieben von: Danito
"In a 52-page filing, the Obama administration said prisoners who don’t have current or impending habeas petitions can’t bring challenges if they are denied continued access to counsel."

Remember when he promised to close Gitmo?

This is when terrorists are successful. The rule of law is being destroyed. Step by step.

Boo-hoo cry.

My heart just fucking breaks for these terrorist scumbags rolleyes.

Here's an idea: You don't want to get tortured? Stop hijacking planes and killing innocent people.

How do you know what the prisoners in Guantanamo did if they aren't granted a fair trial?
(Oh, and they aren't given the rights of POWs either.)

Antwort auf:
You want to hate America? Go ahead, but you know in your heart---just like every other European malcontent---that you'd jump the fence in a heartbeat if given the opportunity.

Why do you think I hate America? Because I differ in a certain issue with the current government? (I believe I'm not the only one here who has brought criticism abou the Obama administration.)

What do you know about what I know in my heart? What kind of opportunity are you talking about?