Originally posted by Partagas:
Gina: I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed when I was about 19 or so. Mine were impacted so I had to go to an oral surgeon. When the dentist first mentioned I had to see an oral surgeon I was excited lol .

Don't worry -- no problems at all. It will be cool "going under". When you wake up you will feel like you are drunk (not that I would know what that feels like lol ).

Seriously, I had no problems at all. The only pain I had was when the drugs wore off -- so stay stocked up!

Good luck!!!!
I just missed your post, Part! wink

Can you explain what "impacted" means? In reference to teeth... lol ? I was cracking up half the time. Beforehand, they had me hooked up to all these monitors for blood pressure, pulse, etc., and I was trying different things such as holding my breath, staying still, moving around in the seat, and so on, to see what would change. Then after, they were pushing me in a wheelchair, and I kept asking (or tried to ask) for water, and then I'd just crack up at how funny my lips and mouth felt, and how I couldn't say anything. Probably my funniest trip to the dentist. I'd like to "go under" again...sure was relaxing and quite a "joy ride." wink