Originally Posted By: olivant
Okay TIS and Babe, start typing:

Bisexuality is real, and most straight women are basically lesbians, according to a study by Cornell University. Their research measured the dilation of individuals’ pupils while watching porn to establish the subject's sexual preference. As you would expect, straight men’s pupils dilated more to images of women in states of arousal. Bisexual men responded to both, as did supposedly heterosexual women. "We can now finally argue that a flexible sexual desire is not simply restricted to women — some men have it, too, and it is reflected in their pupils," co-author, Ritch C. Savin-Williams concluded. Guess those "art films" had it right all along.

What an absolute crock of shit. Now I'm as open-minded as the next guy, and I support civil unions and courthouse marriages for gays. But this is ridiculous.

It's nothing but Far Left college campus propaganda. They won't be happy until they get it in writing that everyone is bisexual. If they were truly comfortable in their own skin, they wouldn't feel the need to make everyone else gay, too rolleyes.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.