1) The restaurant scene. It's my favourite performance of Al Pacino. It's intense as if we're inside his head. We feel his fear. Even more. we feel all kinds of fear: The nervousness before he goes to the bathroom, the empty terror when he doesn't find the gun first, the heart pounding inability to listen before he starts shooting. It's an extraordinary mix of strength and vulnerability. And we don't need to understand Sicilian to get a feel for the danger of Sollozzo.

2) The "a hundred button men on the street"-scene when they decide to kill Sollozzo. All the actors give their best at the same time.
- Sonny's temper going up and down all the time. Within a few seconds Caan delivers a range of extreme emotions: Sarcasm, pride, anger, indeciciveness, frustration. He seems to have to touch and slap everybody all the time. And of course the badda-beep and badda-bing improv are great
- Tom makes it clear how close and still different he and Sonny are. And for the first (and maybe only) time we see him getting really angry. His physical acting when he's explaining Sonny the situation ("payroll", "outcasts", "for cover") is brilliant.
- Just by sitting quiet in the armchair and making a decision, Michael makes it clear (for us) who the real new Don is.

3) The first scene. Marlon Brando shows us what all the film is about. The best high status performance I've ever seen. Everything's right: The camera, the performance of the other three actors, the improv with the cat, the darkness.

(From GF2 I love best the last scene when we see Michael alone. He has always tried to protect his family. By doing so he lost everything, he's finally become a monster. And he doesn't know why.)