Originally Posted By: HairyKnuckles
Here´s a pretty convincing video made by Bob Harris saying that at least one bullet was fired from the Daltex Building (not the building Lee Harvey Oswald was in) and struck JFK.
I´m not saying the Mafia was involved in killing JFK, but If what Bob Harris is saying in this video is true, then there certainly was a conspracy to kill JFK. And I belive Oswald was part of it. In addition to the shooter in the Daltex Building, numerous of witnesse also heard shots coming from behind a fence on the famous grassy knoll.

The mafia conspiracy was a bullet fired from a drain . I

believe there was possibly a conspiracy but of all i've heard

the mafias probably the weakest. It's based on assumptions that

the kennedys promised to lay off the mafia for their help in

fixing the 1960 vote in Illinois. Obviously we know that RFK

was tougher on them than anyone before him. The only other thin

that people use to tie the mob to JFK is their links to the cia.

Who knows it could've been but i think it's alot weaker than

any other conspiracy or even lho on his own.