The writer states that the other two names of the suspects arrested for the murder of Montagna were unnamed, which is incorrect. The other names, besides Mirarchi, Racaniello and Desjardins are Calogero Milioto and Pietro Magistrale. Magistrale was later released. Desjardins nephew Hugo Desjardins was also arrested for possession of a firearm.

Also, the article lingers on the theory of Calabrian groups being behind it. Montagna or any other individuals in Montreal, most of whom are connected to the New York Bonanno family, wouldn't necessarily need support from Calabrian groups outside Montreal to make a move inside Montreal.

I think Montagna's trips to Toronto were only meant to consult with individuals or groups with ties to the Rizzuto family in Montreal. Without doing so he could have risked retaliation.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."