I'm going to sound like a Band nerd here, but I'll explain my odd eating habits today. grin

I went to my high school to sell snack food to the band kids who had to go to camp as a fundraiser for the band itself. I was expecting to leave around one or so, so I skipped breakfast that morning expecting to eat a good meal later. My Band teacher then told me I could stay for the practice even though it wasn't really meant for me, so I was stuck at the school until about 4:00. I ate a huge meal when I got home, of course, and stayed full until just a few hours ago.

This is why summer vacation is not good for me. I'm going to bed at 4:00/5:00 a.m. and eating food at 3:00 a.m. grin And Field of Dreams was on ESPN, so I was sitting at the table eating and crying. lol