Originally Posted By: DeMeo
Ah, I get it completely. People associate Hitler will all that is evil. However, the recent Olympics situation shows him as the saviour, who with all his mystical fortune telling and cult beliefs, probably knew that the Jews would one day try and destroy the world

As yet, nothing has happened with the Olympics that warrants the British government to bring in martial law to halt the chaos.


Originally Posted By: DeMeo
The internet is a wealth of information. As to the Olympic situation, the '2012' in the logo actually spells Zion when it is rearranged. Also, other then the SAS and French special forces, the American FBI, CIA and Israeli Mossad are in London dealing with the security.

The other day, I asked the question to someone: What the bloody hell is Mossad in London for? Like David Icke said, "When you began to piece together the jigsaw, eventually the picture will appear."

Does anyone else hear "Twilight Zone" music playing?
