First, it is ludicrous even to suggest that pedophilia could be a protected class in the Shepard Hate Crimes Act. In fact, the lack of logic to assert that pedophilia can be considered a sexual orientation within the meaning of this Act would be downright laughable if it weren't such an insult to anyone, who has been the victim of a hate crime.

At the time this federal bill was drafted, most states had hate crime laws, which included "sexual orientation" on its books. Sexual orientation, as it's been used in the committee notes, the FBI data base, etc. refers to the gender of the person, to whom one is sexually attracted. Pedophilia is a classification, in which the attraction is based on age. It is not an inclusive subset of orientation, and no matter who subsequently claims that it is a sexual orientation under the meaning of the Act, it can not be.

Mr. Minor's article is shrill, baseless ranting designed to arouse the fear and prejudices of uninformed minds.

I won't even go into how even the most activist judicial approach to statutory review couldn't make pedophilia a protected class.