Originally Posted By: danielperrygin
I see where your coming from to pp but its not my fault the retard broke a cardinal rule and made a threat against my family without a gun to my son or wifes head. I dont are what.happens after the fact but if i haye a weapon at that moment the basturd will be dead. No i havent ever killed any but no one has ever made a threat aginst my family either my friend. If you want to set there and listen to it thats your bag baby but in my home town if that happened and i shot him the police wouldnt do nothing but take a statment from me and go on about their day.

I see what your saying.

I understand the idea of defending a family member. But we're not talking about some schlub insulting someone's wife or some punk talking shit to your kids. We're talking about gangsters, mentally unsatble gangsters that you know have done insane things and killed numerous people, threatening you and your family.

Walking down the street and some random ass hole insulting your wife or some drunk punching you or your brother are completely different situations.

When Mad Sam comes with a gun and points it at you and threatens your kids and family, there is nothing you can do. You're smart and you protect your family and kids by paying the man his money. Right?

If it was so easy, then gangsters would have been getting dropped right and left in the old days for threatening people. I just think it's naive and a product of the internet for people to think they would stand up to Mad Sam and kill him.

Just for clarification, I'm making a difference between Mad Sam/gangsters and random assholes/losers/drunks from the street.