It's enough already with this Chick-Fil-A nonsense.

What I find funny is that the same uber-liberals who scream about the First Amendment on a daily basis are the same people who want to stifle Dan Cathy from speaking his mind. I don't personally agree with his position on the subject, but he is as entitled to speak against gay marriage as anyone is to speak for it.

And who the fuck is Christine Quinn to put pressure on the city to block the building of any future Chick-Fil-A establishments? What is this, Nazi Germany?

If you don't want to eat there, don't eat there. But how dare she use her political pull to punish a business with a different political view than her own, the fat ugly pig. Ray Kelly better run for mayor because Quinn will get the Democratic nomination going away. They'll make it about how the Right "hates" everyone else, meanwhile their own bullying tactics are just as hateful as anything the Republicans are guilty of.

And keep in mind that I've been a registered Democrat since I pulled the lever for the first time in 1977. But what's right is right.

Ray Kelly 2012! That's all I'm saying.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.