Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: Ted
I heard Tommy G thinks he's a big shot so he'd probably love to take he title. He is the only made guy whose really active. A couple years ago they busted an ecstasy ring in San Diego that authorities believe he financed. He wasn't charged, though.

I remember reading that too Ted. Derek Galanis had a huge ecstasy lab going and they suspected Gambino might of been financing it. I think it was around 10 years ago.

2001, to be exact.

Right you are. They used this one infamous freelance chemist whose known as Strike on the net. He wrote books on how to make that stuff under the name Strike then under his real name Hobart Huson he owned a science chemical supply house in texas. They unmasked him right on Dateline NBC. It was funny as all hell. He got 8 or 9 years in prison for supplying chemicals to several different ectasy labs in california and arizona including the one Galanis was running that the feds suspected Gambino was financing.