Originally Posted By: klydon1
Joe Frazier is my all-time favorite. I pulled up to a red light on South Street in Philly in the Summer of 1983, looked to my right and he was driving the convertible next to me.

Many years ago I was driving in Manhattan and I was stuck in heavy traffic entering the West Side Hwy. Traffic was bumper-to-bumper and moving very slowly so nobody would "block the box" after the traffic signals changed. One car ahead of me, the driver "lost it" and leaned on his horn to signal his anger at the way the car in front of him was proceeding. That first car's driver stopped his car, got out and SLOWLY walked back to confront the horn blower. All I could see was the horn blower sliding down in his seat and rolling up his window as the guy approached his car. I swear the guy was Sonny Liston!! (the guy said something to the horn blower, which I could not hear, but it shut the horn blower up). wink
