Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: Lou
These chicks from mob wives are just showing what a joke the mob has become. Every other wise guy is snitching to save his ass. Also what can one expect from these guys when you see the women in their lives. Anyone spawned by these idiotic chicks is destined to end up in jail or dead. These broads are ditzy idiots, Renee is a loudmouth unpleasant idiot who can't even minus 11 years from the age of 46 and get the right answer and that idiot Drita goes out dancing and acts the fool by asking guys if they can take a punch from her. She is a dumb chick who really thinks she can beat a guy in a fight because she got into a few cat fights with her other idiotic friends. Maybe in Staten Island she thinks she's a fighter and tough girl, however let her act like that in other neighborhoods in any of the other boroughs like Jamaica Queens, Harlem or the Lower East Side and she will really find out what chicks from those hoods can do. They will drag her through the streets like a rag doll and bring her down from her delusional mind that she is a fighter. Any female can be a killer when she hangs with and fights other prissy Staten Island girls.

100% right

I wouldn't say 100%. On one hand, the show is certainly a sign of the times. But it's no more a direct reflection of the mob today than any other mob-related show or movie.

And, hyperbole aside, every other mob guy is not snitching to save his ass...

"You only hear about the all the guys who flipped, but if you ever took a look at the list of guys who went into prison and how many rolled over, it is not even close," one longtime mob hunter observed.

should have been more clear, i meant 100% right in terms of the mob wives stuff not the guys ratting

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.