Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I just got back from England where I had an exptremely difficult time explainging how someone could amass the arsenal that animal in Colorado put together.

Here's an idea....instead of wringing our hands about the issue lets give real gun control and real ammo control, and clip limitations a try. All the pro gun people say it will not work, however it does work in most places where they have these controls, and it could work here.

If it doesn't, it doesn't, but lets give it a shot.
a couple of points
#1 its always much harder to repeal new laws than it is to create new ones.
#2 when the assault weapons ban was in place, which lots of people thought was reasonable, there were no significant changes for the better or worse when it came to gun crime.

heres a type of story that rarly gets a fair amount of coverage these days, a gun being used to save people instead of destroy them. there are plenty of these incidents but most people never hear about them.


Last edited by Five_Felonies; 07/27/12 12:33 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!