Originally Posted By: furio_from_naples
I think that the death penalty really become a deterrent when the penalty will be slow and painful, so I might propose impalement, blunt and covered with a pile of fat that enters the body without causing shock and death can arrive even after days of terrible agony.

Impalement, as a method of torture and execution, involves the body of a person being pierced with a long stake. The penetration could be through the sides, through the rectum, through the vagina, or through the mouth. This method leads to a painful death, sometimes taking days. When the impaling instrument was inserted into a lower orifice, it was necessary to secure the victim in the prone position; the stake would then be held in place by one of the executioners, while another would hammer the stake deeper using a sledgehammer. The stake was then planted in the ground, and the impaled victim hoisted up to a vertical position, where the victim would be left to die.

In some forms of impalement, the stake would be inserted so as to avoid immediate death and would function as a plug to prevent blood loss. After preparation of the victim, perhaps including public torture and rape, the victim was stripped, and an incision was made in the perineum between the genitals and rectum. A stout pole with a blunt end was inserted. A blunt end would push vital organs to the side, greatly slowing death.

The pole would often come out of the body at the top of the sternum and be placed against the lower jaw so that the victim would not slide further down the pole. Often, the victim was hoisted into the air after partial impalement. Gravity and the victim's own struggles would cause him to slide down the pole.

Still, there is one problem: somebody has to be the executioner and get dirty. Some normal person who has never killed before. Whoever does it isn't going to be the same anymore after this. Is it really worth it? I have no pity for such criminals, but in my opinion trying to overcome them in cruelty is no good. If it's really necessary to kill them, do it quickly. Crazy lunatics like this one won't understand anything anyway, no matter how you torture them, it won't serve as a deterrent for the very fact that they are crazy.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."