Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I'm usually dubious about the death penalty. I don't believe it provides a deterrent to murder.

I agree, but I've often wondered if state sanctioned death by torture would be a deterrent. Not that I'd support such a thing (well, in this case I probably would), but I'm just curious.

I'm serious. If you know that you're going to die slowly and painfully over, say, a 72 hour period, would you be as quick to commit murder?

Well, I'm sure it wouldn't deter the true psychos.

I agree that it's not a deterrent. But maybe they could model executions after that scene in Casino. The one where Joe Pesci has that guy's head in a vice, they beat him for three days, and then popped one of his eyes out. At the end, he said "I'm gonna put an icepick to your balls. Don't make me be a bad guy."

Or maybe like the crazy guy from Hannibal who wanted to cut Dr. Lecter's legs open to bleed and then let wild pigs eat his body.

Either way.