Nice dicknose. Small world ain't it.
Yeah I had no idea they were Italian until I read this excerpt

Then I found someon on youtube with the same surname from Philly James Traitz, whom is an author ont eh topic of several New Age belief systems and neuromysticism (fromw hat I gathered) and he confirmed ti was a corruption of Trezza.

I mean it's not like they were made or anything, but I just find obscure organized crime subjects to be fascinating. Something about researching little-known things makes me feel like an academic explorer. Cause the Local 30 & Traitz stuff has come up alot when looking into the Philly crime family and the Irish crime element in Philly.

Also the methamphetamine rings so prevalent int eh area during that time. At one time Philly was known as the "meth capitol of the worlds" as I've heard was claimed. And alot of influential OC guys were involved. A great deal of disputes came from this as well. Find it all very intriguing.