Man, I never made an official "I'm Back" statement from my Dallas trip for Band! We got back this past Monday after leaving Friday. It was absolutely wonderful. I'll try not to go into too many details because I already made that mistake on my Xanga entry. lol The roller coasters were incredible. I've now declared my cousin the King of Coasters. My cousin is my same age, a guy, lives next door to me, and goes to my school, so we're very close. I think we've grown closer by year, and this year he's basically been my best friend. Anyway, we had made a pact to stick together at Six Flags on this trip, because we're both obsessed with roller coasters. He ended up being the coolest he could be, because he never left me behind, and he was okay with me hanging out with him and our guy friends the whole day and tagging along so we could get on all the best rides the most. Most of my girl friends weren't really ready to run to every ride and only stop when we had to, but he and I stuck together doing this. We went on Mr. Freeze four times, Titan three (could've been four, but it got stuck when we were two riders away from going on it!), Texas Giant two, Batman one, Shockwave one, and Flashback one. My cousin even managed to get video on his camera of Mr. Freeze, Titan, and Texas Giant from the front row! He was the hero of the trip for that. lol I got to ride front row on Titan twice and Mr. Freeze once, and it was just amazing. My cousin also got to see a Ferrari the first day of the trip near the Hard Rock Cafe we ate at. I don't know a lot about cars, which I wish I could change, but I definitely appreciate fine cars such as Ferraris and Lamborghinis, so that was exciting for me. My cousin, however, had trouble breathing because he was so excited. lol He got a video of it driving by on my camera, so that became his addiction until Six Flags. Well, we're now having withdrawal effects because we miss these rides so much. heh The rest of the trip was great, too, but Six Flags was the best for me.