Originally Posted By: Strax
Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
October 2010: Salvatore Montagna tries to convince Nicolo Rizzuto to step down and tells him his reign is over. A month later Rizzuto would be dead.

I'm interested to know how the writer got this information. Previous reports stated that Montagna visited Rizzuto a few months before he was killed. The writer, however, doesn't state anything new and is speculating as much as anyone else. The Calabrian vs. Siclian theory is now kind of dated and seems to be taken as a fact by some.

True,i agree.

When reputed Montreal mob boss Vito Rizzuto gets out of prison in October 2012 neither his father nor his son will be there to greet him.

According to mob watcher Antonio Nicaso as reported by Paul Cherry for the Gazette ”This is a very important year because it is one where (Rizzuto) can reaffirm his power or lose it definitely. For sure, he will be very angered that he lost so many members of his family and he is not the type of person to say ‘okay, the past is the past and let’s look to the future.’ I don’t think that will be the case. It could be the year where we find out who is really behind this plot against the Rizzutos. I think the mastermind of these attacks is still hiding in the shadows,” Nicaso said. “I think the mistake we all can make is to write the obituary of the Rizzuto crime family. It’s not the time to write the final word on them. They have the strength and the power to face this unprecedented challenge.”

Time will tell, and we’ll likely know sooner than later.

I hope a mob war breaks out in Canada as well as Philadelphia come October!

Random Poster:"I'm sorry I didn't go to an Ivy-league school like you"

"Ah I actually I didn't. It's a nickname the feds gave the
Genovese Family."