Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
October 2010: Salvatore Montagna tries to convince Nicolo Rizzuto to step down and tells him his reign is over. A month later Rizzuto would be dead.

I'm interested to know how the writer got this information. Previous reports stated that Montagna visited Rizzuto a few months before he was killed. The writer, however, doesn't state anything new and is speculating as much as anyone else. The Calabrian vs. Siclian theory is now kind of dated and seems to be taken as a fact by some.

I agree!! Also, as danielson said, where's Conti in all this?

Also, I just noticed that after I called out whoever is in charge of that page for using Mukremin's charts and passing them off as their own...they blocked me from posting on their idiotic page. But they did take down those charts. I love it.

La madre degli idioti e' sempre incinta.