Originally Posted By: jace
Chicago may not have as many made members, but their associates are bigger than most made guys in other cities like New York. I agree also with the quality over quantity point. Seems like the Genovese Family is most overrated one.

The above alone pretty much shows me you haven't done jack in the way of research except perhaps read a few outdated books on the Chicago Outfit. Don't just make generalized, blanket statements. Actually back them up with something. What associates are you talking about? And don't give me old names of guys who are long dead or yesterday's news.

Furthermore, on what basis are you saying the Genovese family is overrated? I can show you a list of comments as long as your arm by law enforcement officials, organized crime experts, and former mafiosi who say otherwise. I can show you a list of indictments as long as your leg that shows the Genovese family, besides being the largest family, is also the wealthiest and most diversified. There's a reason they're considered the top family in both New York and the nation.

Originally Posted By: GrandAve
Exactly. Guys like the german and harry aleman (associates)in their heyday could have run circles around a lot of the capos/soldiers/associates in NY. Plus as you said, there aren't a lot of "made" guys here anyway. Chicago doesn't go handing out buttons to anyone willing to kill or make large sums of money. Just look at history; How many made guys in Chicago have flipped? One? Two? How many in NY? Countless. Yes Chicago is smaller, but the always have had their organization much more streamlined and efficient. Plus, I'd take a boss like Accardo/Joey Doves over ANY of the old time five family bosses. But truth be told, Profaci/Gambino were cut of the same mold as the Tuna...wise and cautious, but stone-killers.

I'll tell you the same thing I did jace. Schweihs is dead. Aleman is finished. Don't give us names of guys like that as your examples. Or Accardo for that matter. Because it only proves you're going on outdated info.

I still think the Genoveses are the most powerful in the country though, they have organized labor by the balls....but so does the outfit here in Chicago.

The Genovese certainly has the most labor racketeering left. I'm not sure what you're talking about in regards to the Outfit. There's actually been relatively little in the way mob activity in the unions in Chicago in recent years. DiForti, Matassa, the Carusos, Lombardo Jr., Caravetta, etc. were all kicked out of the Laborers Union in the 1990's and early 2000's. The RISE investigation into the Teamsters union showed primarily limited, residual influence. There were some mob-connected companies involved in the "Hired Truck" scandal but they were a minority. So what are you talking about?

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