Originally Posted By: Chopper2012
I had a problem with the fact that after the incident you guys are talking about....

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he has his spine pushed back in, does a few push ups, comes back and beats the same Bane with relative ease in hand to hand combat. He needed a hint to figure out that the huge mask on Bane's face was probably a weak point for him?

I did enjoy the the prison scenes though, climbing out of the prison without the rope was exciting.

One more thing, and I know I'm nitpicking, but an Atomic Bomb going off five miles off the coast of 'NY' is probably going to create some radiation problems, no?

Oh, believe me, I know what you're talking about. I can nitpick with the best of 'em.

* While I'm aware the movie was nearly 3 hours, I felt it was rushing along too fast in the sense that they were trying to fit too much in. And because of that, there was a lack of "pacing" between individual scenes.

* Again, after the brutal fight between Batman and Bane, no blood? Or, for that matter, after the cop (played by Matthew Modine) got shot.

* And when the cops were charging Bane's guys in the street, what happened to their guns? Yes, they were trapped underground for 3 months but I don't remember seeing their guns confiscated. Anyone notice the few female cops charging along as well? rolleyes

* And speaking of guns, why did Joseph Gordon Leavitt's character throw his gun away after he shot those two Bane guys dressed as construction workers? Heaven forbid a COP use his gun in SELF DEFENSE!

* While I loved Michael Cain's acting (very emotional) the ending would have been better if you took away the final 2 minutes or so. You know, since Bruce/Batman felt he hadn't given "everything" he had to Gotham yet. People who've seen it will know what I mean.

I could go on...

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