My earliest memories of the Olympics were of the infamous 1972 games. Mark Spitz and Olga Korbut became legends while the officiating debacle in basketball cost the U.S. a gold medal. And, of course, the terrorism that resulted in the murder of several Israeli athletes and ruined the Olypics.

In 1976 I remember how well the American boxing team performed. It was probably thebest U.S. team ever with Howard Davis, Leon and Michael Spinks and Ray Leonard winning gold. Davis' mother died while he was competing and he missed her funeral. Another boxer, whose name escapes me, won a gold too.

But 1976 was dominated by Nadia Comaneci, who was only 14, when she wowed the world, and Bruce Jenner, who became the world's greatest athlete.

I'll still watch the Olympics, but it's not as interesting as it once was.

Last edited by klydon1; 07/20/12 10:59 AM.