Originally Posted By: NJBoy55
I think for a person just starting to hit the iron, the best thing is pure creatine, but make sure you take it for 2 months and then cycle off it for 2 months, so go 2 and 2. After 8 months I'd start taking the harder stuff like NO Xplode or Superpump 250, which are great pre workout supplements. You should always take regular vitamins. Never take illegal steroids, but if you want to later there's legal steroids you can buy in the pill form that has some of the great stuff inside the illegal dope taken out, but it still is good.

Most of the "legal steroids" are nothing more than pro-hormones and can come with similar and if not worse effects than some of the better and more thoroughly researched illegal anabolics.

So care must be taken to not assume that because there legal that they don't come with the risks of liver failure and shutting down your own natural production of hormones, much in the same way as illegal anabolic steroids, research as much as you can before cycling any gear.

Last edited by ukwiseguy; 07/18/12 03:14 PM.

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